Our Service
From the beginning of Perfect Hearing set up, we have extended our cooperation on numerous occasions from hearing assessment in centre and home visit, hearing conservation and protection, new-born hearing screening and also hearing aids fitting and maintenance, providing hearing aids trial and supplying hearing aid. We have been in the market for the last 10 years and thus far have provided patients with quality, durability, user friendly, excellent technical services and guaranteed satisfaction.
Home Visit Service
The best option for clients who are unable to travel to our hearing centre. Client and family members will be more comfortable and relax in the comfort of their home.
Home Visit Service
The best option for clients who are unable to travel to our hearing centre. Client and family members will be more comfortable and relax in the comfort of their home.
Hearing Consultation
Our Audiologist will conduct patient evaluation to determine the medical history, job description, and habits, social life etc. before a hearing test is conducted.
Hearing Consultation
Our Audiologist will conduct patient evaluation to determine the medical history, job description, and habits, social life etc. before a hearing test is conducted.
Exhibitions & Seminars
Our commitment to provide comprehensive services also involved organizing exhibitions and seminars for our clients and the public.
Exhibitions & Seminars
Our commitment to provide comprehensive services also involved organizing exhibitions and seminars for our clients and the public.
Corporate Social Responsibility
On 7th September 2018, Perfect Hearing JB attended Charity Dinner Event for Silent Children. The event initiated by Persatuan Professianal and Kumpulan Sokongan Implan Koklea Johor with cooperation Jabatan Otorinolaringologi Hospital Sultan Ismail.
Corporate Social Responsibility
On 7th September 2018, Perfect Hearing JB attended Charity Dinner Event for Silent Children. The event initiated by Persatuan Professianal and Kumpulan Sokongan Implan Koklea Johor with cooperation Jabatan Otorinolaringologi Hospital Sultan Ismail.