Day to day life is tricky enough when you’ve got to deal with crowds, important conversations and your loved ones. But it’s even worse if you are dealing with listening fatigue. While it’s nice to think that we could all have perfect hearing through out our lives, the reality is that we don’t. In addition, as any ENT specialist will tell you, listening fatigue is a problem that impacts those who have hearing aids as well as those who don’t.
Realistic ways to help with overcoming listening fatigue
1. Keep yourself calm and quiet your space
When you are dealing with a lot of conversation or noise, it’s easy to start getting frustrated, worried or even embarrassed because you aren’t hearing everything. Take some time away from the noise and do some deep breathing to help calm yourself down. An ear specialist will happily tell you that a calm ear is a better ear. Maybe it seems silly, but being calm and in control of your emotions is important to curbing listening fatigue.
2. Avoid background noise
One of the tips that an ENT specialist will tell you is to do whatever you can to have important conversations and get-togethers in places where there is little to no background noise. No radio, no hubbub of a cafe or restaurant, or anything like that. This will add to the fatigue faster and the reality is that only those with perfect hearing can concentrate on a conversation effortlessly with a lot of background noise. And that’s perhaps the reason why many actually do appreciate the quieter place.
3. Remember to manage fatigue
Also, the term “fatigue” is not used lightly. Trying to hear and listen when you struggle with both, adds to fatigue. Here are some tips to help with managing listening fatigue.
- Take a nap: Naps help your brain and body rest as well as recover. The more you rest, the more likely you are to enjoy perfect hearing for your next conversation.
- Don’t schedule too many things in one day: You’ll want to also make sure that you don’t have too many listening-related tasks scheduled for one day, as this can worsen the fatigue and make it even harder to hear and listen properly.
- Be patient with yourself: Take it easy on yourself. Don’t get angry at yourself or frustrated with your lack of skills in listening. Dealing with listening fatigue requires quite a lot of self-compassion.
4. Talk to an ear specialist
Lastly, make sure that you talk to an ear specialist as soon as you notice listening fatigue starting to set in. It can be a sign of worsening hearing loss or a sign that your hearing aids need to be tuned-up. Listening fatigue is part of living with hearing loss — whether you have aids or not. Once symptoms of listening fatigue become more frequent, it’s time to get the issue addressed. If you’re living in locations like Shah Alam or Melaka, you drop by our clinic for a professional consultation.
Last but not least, if you are experiencing listening fatigue, make sure you share this with your friends and family, too, so that they can understand what you are going through. If you have more questions, feel free to get in touch with our friendly and professional specialists.