free ear check - Perfect Hiring

Event: Star Health Expo
Dates: 15 – 17 March 2019 (Fri – Sun)
Time: 10.00am to 7.00pm
Location: Setia Spice Convention Centre
Booth: A5

A free event on health, nutrition and living a healthier lifestyle will be held from March 15 to March 17, 2019 in Setia Spice Convention Centre.

The event will focus on how people can live healthier and make better choices. Moreover, it is a fantastic opportunity for the general public to get access to an ear check up and consultation for free at booth A5.

At the upcoming Star Health Expo, all visitors are entitled to a free ear check up with an audiologist from Penang.

At Booth A5, not only you can have an ear check up and consultation for free, expect to spin the wheel for a lucky draw, and enjoy special discounts for hearing aid and accessories. **Getting your ear checked at Perfect Hearing booth at the Star Health Expo is a completely painless process that takes less than 10 minutes.

Remember ear check ups and consultation are free, and with all the potential risks a test can detect and help prevent, there is no reason not to get your ears checked.

If by any chance your results show that your hearing could use some help, you will be able to enjoy special discounts at the Star Health Expo to save your money.

It’s specially important that you come visit us at Booth A5 if you have any of the following symptoms:

• It’s hard for you to understand speech in noisy backgrounds, like restaurants.
• You need to concentrate in a conversation, especially when several people are talking.
• You need higher volume for television and radio.
• Difficulty hearing others in the car or public transportation.
• Friends, families or coworkers remark that your hearing is not as good as it used to be.

Perfect Hearing is a hearing center in Penang that will help you with any hearing issue.

For more information, visit us at or call us at 04 – 539 5150 for an appointment.

*Terms and conditions apply.

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