What is audiology, and who is an audiologist?

Audiology is a professional health discipline concerned with hearing, balance and hearing disorders that occur amongst children and adults alike. Therefore, an audiologist is a person trained in this profession, in dealing with people who have problems with hearing and finding solutions to these problems.

Hearing is an essential aspect of living. It is even more important for babies and toddlers as without hearing, they’d be incapable of understanding words and sounds, as well as developing speech patterns. A child having hearing loss right from birth would have difficulty learning any social skills as speech and communication is a crucial part of an individual’s social life.

hearing test in roadshow

Why should I take my child to an audiologist?

In Malaysia, it is often a routine to check babies after birth for hearing problems. This routine is called a hearing test. But occasionally, these tests may not reveal the actual situation with the child’s hearing. For occasions such as this, another hearing test must be conducted about three months later.

As a parent with utmost interest as to your baby’s well-being, you should consider taking your child to see an audiologist for a hearing test Malaysia if you observe any of these symptoms:

  • Your child does not turn in response to loud noises or when his or her name is being called up to 12months of age.
  • Your child cannot say simple words such as “dada” or “mama” up to 18months.
  • Your child’s speech is incoherent, up to 2years of age.

If you observe any of the above-listed symptoms, it is highly probable that your child is suffering from hearing loss, and you should see an audiologist for a hearing test Malaysia.

Quickly contact an ear specialist Penang, or visit a hearing aid centre in Johor Bahru. In these health facilities, you’ll find a competent audiologist to handle your child’s hearing impairment and find a solution.

hearing test

Audiology Tests and Treatment

The audiologist at the hearing aid centre in Johor Bahru conducts various kinds of tests and treatments depending on the child’s age. These diagnostic tests are for checking how well your child can hear. Such tests may include any of the following:

  • In babies, the tests are conducted while the baby is asleep.
  • For toddlers, the ear specialist Penang will make different kinds of sounds to detect if the child will respond.
  • For children up to the age of preschool, the audiologist will try to make the child perform a playful activity.

For older kids, there is a special test which the audiologist will perform; this is known as an “auditory processing capability test.”

Auditory Processing Capability Test

In some children, the processing of sounds correctly is complicated. They may hear sounds but would be unable to make out the correct meaning. This impairment is known as “auditory processing disorder,” and it can affect people of all ages. Although this order may be present at any age, it’s presence cannot be detected until the child attains at least the age of 7.

By this time, he should have been able to repeat simple phrases and sentences. This is the stage when an auditory processing evaluation would be effective in the child.

Do you have a 7-year old child who is having difficulty in processing the meaning of words and sounds? You should contact an ear specialist Penang or a hearing aid centre in Johor Bahru as soon as possible.

Here you’ll find a capable audiologist who would perform hearing tests and offer esteemed and professional care for your child’s needs with empathy.

hearing test audiologist with female patient

Treatment methods of the audiologist

When diagnosed with hearing loss or impairment, there are treatments that your child will need to have. The audiologist may provide your child with hearing aids, cochlear implants, or may even suggest a surgical procedure.

Do not allow your child to suffer from social development problems as a result of speech impairment and inability to learn languages or comprehend sounds.

If you’re still in doubt, book an appointment with an audiologist at Perfect Hearing, a hearing aid centre in Johor Bahru, or see an ear specialist Penang for solutions to your child’s hearing issues.

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